8:00a | 9:30a | 11:00a
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Each week’s message goes live Sunday at 12:30 PM!

Dwelling Place Babysitting Certification Training
Dwelling Place is on a mission to care for foster, adoptive, and kinship caregivers. Give foster families the support they need to build stronger families! Become a trauma-informed babysitter, certified with our partnering agencies to provide short-term childcare for licensed foster families in our Leander area. If you are interested in learning more and serving alongside this organization, register below.

Hymn Night
The North Way Young Adults are inviting the church to join them for a night of hymn singing and prayer. Bring your family and friends, and be spiritually enriched and encouraged by encountering Christ in worshiping Him with these time-tested, biblically-rich, and gospel-focused songs of faith.

Spring Landscaping Refresh
We're getting our property ready for springtime and Easter. If you’ve got a green thumb or enjoy landscaping come lend a hand Saturday morning, April 5th, to help mow, pull weeds, spread mulch, or plant flowers.

re:generation Open House
Come celebrate with us! Join us for an opportunity to hear testimonies of life change and learn more about re:generation. All are welcome! If you need childcare, please use the link below.

Gospel Conversations
Life-change through Jesus starts with hearing about Jesus. Jesus has given us the amazing privilege of sharing our story and his story with the people around us. Join us to discover and practice a simple pathway of sharing the good news in a friendly environment.

Trip to Sri Lanka - Info Meeting
Trip Dates: Sep 28-Oct 7 2025
Join us overseas to partner with local church leaders in Sri Lanka to share the gospel! There will be an info meeting held in our conference room on March 9th at 1:00pm to learn more.

Explore North Way
Won't you come and Explore North Way Bible Church with us? We would love to meet you, get to know a little about you, and share with you what North Way Bible Church is all about. We will provide childcare for you and lunch, so please let us know you're coming by signing up below.

Love Leander
We are joining together for a half-day of service on a variety of projects throughout our city. Join us as we go out as the hands and feet of Jesus to serve our neighbors.

Prayer Night
Join us on Monday night as we pray for one another, our neighbors, and our city. We believe that God engages with us and works through our prayer to impact our own hearts and the world around us. Childcare is available for Elementary and under.

Women's Bible Study - Spring 2025
Thursday Evenings 7pm & Friday Mornings 9:30am // Beginning February 6th
Join us this Spring for Women’s Bible Study as we take a careful look at this important question “What does it mean to be a woman?” from a biblical point of view. How we understand womanhood has implications for how we view ourselves, our worth, our relationships, and so much more.

BetterMan Study
Tuesday Mornings 6am // Beginning February 4th
What is God's vision for men in the 21st century? BetterMan is an 11-week group study that provides clarity on the essentials of biblical manhood. Come journey with like-hearted men to learn to live out your unique calling.

Men's Rally
Men, are you free to get together on Saturday morning? Whether or not you're planning on being a part of BetterMan, this is a time for you to enjoy some food, conversation, and encouragement. No need to register. Just come hungry and ready to enjoy some time with the men at North Way.

Beginning January 21st | Tuesday Nights 7 - 8:30pm
Whether your marriage needs to be reignited, or be completely resurrected, re|engage is a safe place for couples to reconnect. This ministry offers hope to marriages by helping couples move toward oneness through stories of grace, teaching, and small groups. Childcare is available.

Financial Peace University
Beginning January 21st | Tuesdays 7pm - 8:30pm
The step-by-step plan to win with money. Financial Peace University is a nine-lesson course that teaches you how to save for emergencies, pay off debt fast, spend wisely, and invest for your future. Take Back Control of Your Money. With Financial Peace University, you'll learn the proven plan to pay off debt fast and save more money for your future. Be sure to register and purchase materials below.

Days of Prayer and Fasting
We live in a place and time where our inputs tend to be non-stop. This is why, January 13-17th, our church family is turning off our screens and tuning into God’s Word and God’s Spirit. Over these 4 days we will read two passages of scripture a day, reflect on them, and seek to respond to God’s leading and direction in our life. Pick up your guide starting Sunday, January 5th.

Family Gathering
We will be gathering as One Family after the 11:00 service to enjoy a light potluck meal together, including food from different countries represented in our body. This will be followed by a time to vote on an incoming Elder and celebrate those rolling off the board. Please click below to read the elder candidate bio, or to have an opportunity to sign up to bring a dish to share.

Christmas Eve Services
Christmas Eve || December 24th 3, 4:15, 5:30 & 6:45pm
You're invited to grab your family and friends and join us as we rejoice together in the birth of Jesus this Christmas. Come enjoy our candlelight service, hot cocoa, and Christmas photo ops! Our 4:15pm service will include ASL interpretation.

Operation Christmas Child National Collection Week
Week of November 18-25
Join us in touching the lives of children and families around the world, bringing hope through the Good News of Jesus in the form of a simple gift - a shoebox. Pick up your boxes in the lobby beginning November 3rd! You can drop your filled shoeboxes at the church on November 18-25 during the designated hours listed below:
November 18th: 11am-1pm
November 19th: 11am - 1pm
November 20th: 11am - 1pm
November 21st: 11am-1pm
November 22nd: 11:30am-1:30pm
November 23rd: 9am-11am
November 24th: 12pm-2pm
November 25th: 7:30am-9:30am
If you are interested in helping with collection, register today!

Dwelling Place Parents Night Out
Dwelling Place is on a mission to support foster, adoptive and kinship caregivers. We are hosting their Parent Night Out event on November 8th. Be sure to register if you are interested in learning more or even serving alongside this organization.

Prayer Night
Join us on Monday night as we pray for one another, our neighbors, and our city. We believe that God engages with us and works through our prayer to impact our own hearts and the world around us. Childcare is available for Elementary and under.

Men’s Conference: Living the Truth
Join us for an inspirational, insightful, interactive, and fun time designed to help us build camaraderie as we learn about the lies we face as men and the truth of who God created us to be. Friends, family, neighbors and co-workers are all welcome.

Dwelling Place Babysitting Certification Training
Dwelling Place is on a mission to care for foster, adoptive, and kinship caregivers. We are hosting the Babysitting Certification Training in preparation for our next Parent Night Out event on November 8th. If you are interested in learning more and serving alongside this organization, register below.

Explore North Way
Won't you come and Explore North Way Bible Church with us? We would love to meet you, get to know a little about you, and share with you what North Way Bible Church is all about. We will provide childcare for you and lunch, so please let us know you're coming by signing up below.

Women's Refresh 2024
Ladies, if you find it hard to carve out time for yourself in your busy schedule, then grab your calendar now and plan to join us for a weekend of refreshment and encouragement HERE at our North Way Bible Church campus. Our annual Women's weekend, whether here at home or away, is always rich with opportunities to connect deeply with God and with other women. If you are a bit uncomfortable with the 'overnight' experience, then this year is for YOU!
This year, we want YOU to experience it with us!

Parent & Child Dedication Class
Our Parent and Child Dedication offers a time for parents to present their child before God and the church to publicly commit to raising them in accordance with Scripture. The Parent & Child Dedication will be held on Sunday, October 13th.

Family Gathering
Please join us for a simple lunch right after the 11:00 service. We will be celebrating a 2024 fiscal year update, overviewing our budget, and looking ahead to what is in store this fall. Childcare is available for elementary age and under. No registration is required. Box lunches are provided and covered by the church. Feel free to pitch in $5 per lunch box, if you desire.

Fall Landscaping Refresh
We're restoring our property after the hot summer! There's an opportunity for you to lend a helping hand on Saturday morning, September 21st, between 8 and 11am by pruning plants, pulling weeds, laying down new soil and mulch, or planting new flowers and shrubs.
Registration is NOT required, but will be helpful!

Financial Peace University
Beginning September 17th | Tuesdays 6:30pm - 8:30pm
The step-by-step plan to win with money. Financial Peace University is a nine-lesson course that teaches you how to save for emergencies, pay off debt fast, spend wisely, and invest for your future. Take Back Control of Your Money. With Financial Peace University, you'll learn the proven plan to pay off debt fast and save more money for your future.
Be sure to pre-register and purchase your materials using the FPU Registration Link below.
Childcare will also be available and registration is required. Be sure to register in advance for any childcare needs by using the Childcare Registration Link below.

Education Connection
One of the largest problems in the Greater Leander area is childhood illiteracy! Join us as we combat this and build an army of volunteers to read with students one-on-one. Will you give 30 minutes per week to help accomplish the goal of every child reading by the end of 3rd grade? Training will be at North Way on 9/16/23.

Short-Term Mission to Nicaragua - Information Session
Join us overseas to partner with a local ministry in Nicaragua to share the gospel in November 2024! Learn more at the info meeting on September 15th at 12:15pm.

Women's Bible Study - Fall 2024
Thursday Evenings 7pm & Friday Mornings 9:30am // Beginning September 5th
All Women! Join us this Fall for Women’s Bible Study as we discover the Psalms: Liturgy for the Heart. Register today to be a part of discovering how to express our deepest reverence and our darkest struggles to the One who matters most. What a wonderful way to grow in relationship with the Lord and to grow in friendship with other women--all at the same time! Click the button below to register.

Prayer Night
Join us on Monday night as we pray for one another, our neighbors, and our city. We believe that God engages with us and works through our prayer to impact our own hearts and the world around us. Childcare is available for Elementary and under.

Explore North Way
Won't you come and Explore North Way Bible Church with us? We would love to meet you, get to know a little about you, and share with you what North Way Bible Church is all about. We will provide childcare for you and lunch, so please let us know you're coming by signing up below.
Various Days & Times
God designed us to be in community and especially with other believers. If you haven't connected with a community group Bible study, there's no better time than the present!
First Sunday of the Month
If you’ve put your faith in Jesus but have never been baptized, this is your opportunity to make your public profession of faith during one of our services.
Say YES to the Next Generation
We have lots of opportunities to serve in the Kids Ministry from birth to 5th grade. If you'd like to serve, please let us know by clicking the button below to tell us which area interests you. We would love to connect with you!