North Way Bible Church has joyfully partnered with the following missionaries. Please join us in praying for them as they are working to make disciples in various parts of the world.
David & Blair
North Africa
David and Blair work together in an important city in North Africa. They go into the “harvest” regularly and share the Gospel. They also spend time training believers and hosting like-minded colleagues. David also travels to other places in the world to strengthen and train teams in Church Planting Movement strategy.
A & T
South Asia
A and T have a primary strategy of equipping existing believers in a large city in South Asia. They teach the Four Fields approach for Church Planting which empowers believers to make disciples, form churches, and grow as leaders. They also spend significant time with national partners all around their current country of residence as well as a couple of neighboring countries, coaching them on how to get multiple generations using the Bible as their guide.
S & J
South Asia
S & J work together to train the community of believers in and near a very important city in South Asia. They specifically train and encourage on how to multiply disciples that multiply churches. The training helps to launch new movements that proclaim the Gospel, disciple new believers, and begin healthy, reproducing churches.
J & A
South Asia
J & A work together to train the community of believers in one of the most densely populated areas in South Asia on how to multiply disciples and multiply churches. The training helps to launch new movements that proclaim the Gospel, disciple new believers, and begin healthy, reproducing churches.
Ying & Grace
Global Training
Ying and Grace are Elder Statesmen in the Church Planting Movement. Ying’s book Training for Trainers has been translated into several languages. Ying and Grace travel around the world to train the community of believers on how to multiply disciples and churches. The training helps to launch new movements that proclaim the Gospel, disciple new believers, and begin healthy, reproducing churches.
Garret & Kristina
Europe & North Africa
Garret & Kristina live in a gateway city in Europe. Their vision is to see the Kingdom come through movements of multiplying disciples, churches, and leaders in Europe, North Africa, and the Mediterranean basin. Their training center serves to catalyze and strengthen church planting movements across the Mediterranean basin.
J & R
Southeast Asia
J & R are leading a team that is focused on a large ethnic group in Southeast Asia. This group has no verified gathering of believers. They are working with local churches to raise up and equip local believers to reach the lost in this Unengaged Unreached People Group (UUPG).
R & R
R & R are working to catalyze disciples and church planting movements with the aim of seeing local ownership of the core missionary task for every people and place. They work in multiple sectors, helping to fill the gaps of getting to multiplication and leadership development by partnering and coaching locals to further the work across the region.
J & E
J & E live in a very large city in Southeast Asia where they are seeking opportunities to live and minister among the unreached and serve the Father’s work there. They will continue to engage South Asians through their current partners as their hearts continue to grow for East Asian peoples also. Ultimately, their heart is to see movements of multiplying churches in each country in Asia.
Terry & Kay
Global Training
Terry and Kay travel all over the world to train the community of believers on how to multiply disciples and multiply churches. The training helps to launch new movements that proclaim the Gospel, disciple new believers, and begin healthy, reproducing churches.
Jordan & Mellissa
Middle East
Jordan and Mellissa live in a very large and important city in the Middle East where they will seek out, equip, and train new and existing believers to go make disciples. They will help believers there reach their own oikos (household/sphere of influence) with the Gospel and train them on how to effectively share the Gospel, read the Bible, baptize new believers, and begin gathering in churches that will plant other churches.
Stan & Lori
South Asia
Stan lives here in the area, but coordinates field ministries, finances, and Mobilization initiatives sponsored by a global agency for South Asia specifically. He initiates new ministries and oversees the execution of annual field ministry plans and field personnel. He interacts regularly with South Asia national leaders to understand their needs as it relates to development in three key areas – spiritual development, leadership development, and Church Planting Movements development. This role has him traveling to South Asia 4 to 6 times a year.