The North Way Residency exists to help followers of Jesus develop their character, Biblical foundation, and ministry competencies in order to explore a call to vocational ministry.
Local Church Leadership
1st Year: Ministry Director Curriculum
Every resident will be partnered with a Coach based on their area(s) of ministry focus and a supervising staff member. Coaches will focus on helping residents make progress on their character, Biblical foundation, and ministry competencies. Supervisors will manage residents concerning day-to-day activities of the staff and life of the church.
Local Church Planting
2nd Year: Local Church Planting
The majority of residents will be required to engage in the 1st year of Residency. All 2nd year residents are exploring a call and preparing for local or overseas church planting and have been affirmed by the North Way Elder Board. If a resident is exploring local church planting, their curriculum for the 2nd year residency would include finalizing a target area, building a team, preaching throughout the 3 trimesters, and continuing to grow in their character, Biblical foundation, and ministry competencies.
Foreign Church Planting
2nd Year: Foreign Church Planting
If a resident is exploring a call to overseas church planting and has been affirmed by the North Way Elder Board, this curriculum will prepare them for that next step. This will include partnering with a Missions Agency, raising support, language/cultural training, and continued growth in the areas of their character, Biblical foundation, and ministry competencies.